Be one of the world’s best wire products manufacturers known for outstanding products, quality and customer satisfaction.

Be a leader in our industry in the search for and use of new technologies.

Be an adaptive, responsive organization known for integrity, individual respect, empowerment and open communication.


About Us
Design & Protoype
Product Lines
Contact Us



We can custom design a basket for your handling needs.

Click on the photo for an enlarged view.

Our company specializes in a variety of manufactured products including:

Material Handling Baskets & Trays
• Conveyor Components & Carriers
Food Service Accessories
Hospital Equipment Accessories
Custom Counter Displays
• Individual Wire Forms

We have the capability of fabricating in a variety of wire sizes and types including: low carbon steel, stainless steel, pre-galvanized, and spring wire in wire diameters from 1/16” up to 1/2”.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction means a quality product produced at a competitive price and delivered on time.


Contact Us :

351 NW F Street
Richmond, IN 47374-2229 USA
Phone: (765) 966-5534
Fax: (765) 962-3586





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